文類 |
中文篇名 |
英文篇名 |
出處 |
譯者 |
漢詩 |
〈於同安見有結帳幕於市上為人注射嗎啡者驅之者更不斷〉 |
(On Seeing a Man Pitch a Tent in the Marketplace at T’ung-an to Give Morphine Injections and People rushing to Him Endlessly) |
NO.2(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第二期) |
Translated by K.C Tu and Robert Backus ,University of California, Santa Barbara |
〈哀聞賣油炙粿者 五古〉 |
(Lament on Hearing Hawker of Fritters, in the five character) |
NO.2(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第二期) |
Translated by K.C Tu and Robert Backus ,University of California, Santa Barbara |
〈讀台灣通史〉 |
(Reading Taiwan General History ) |
NO.2(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第二期) |
Translated by K.C Tu and Robert Backus ,University of California, Santa Barbara |
〈夕陽〉 |
(The Setting Sun) |
NO.15(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第十五期) |
Translated by K.C Tu and Robert Backus ,University of California, Santa Barbara |
〈出獄作〉 |
(Written after Coming Out of Prison) |
NO.15(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第十五期) |
Translated by K.C Tu and Robert Backus ,University of California, Santa Barbara |
〈出獄歸家〉 |
(Returning Home from Prison) |
NO.15(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第十五期) |
Translated by K.C Tu and Robert Backus ,University of California, Santa Barbara |
新詩 |
〈南國哀歌〉 |
(A Mournful Song of the South) |
NO.13(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第三期) |
Translated by K.C Tu and Robert Backus ,University of California, Santa Barbara |
〈覺悟下的犧牲—寄二林事件的戰友〉 |
(A Resolute Sacrifice-Dedicated to the Comrades of the Erlin Incident ) |
NO.15(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第十五期) |
Translated by K.C Tu and Robert Backus ,University of California, Santa Barbara |
〈低氣壓的山頂〉 |
(Cyclone on the Mountaintop(Mt.Pakua)) |
NO.15(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第十五期) |
Translated by K.C Tu and Robert Backus ,University of California, Santa Barbara |
〈呆囝仔〉 |
(Naughty Child) |
NO.15(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第十五期) |
Translated by K.C Tu and Robert Backus ,
University of California, Santa Barbara |
評論Critiques(註:現歸類為賴和全集的新詩散文卷的散文類中) |
〈希望我們的喇叭手吹奏激勵民眾的進行曲〉 |
(May Our Bugler Play a March to Inspire the People)—The Worker of Critiques: Lai Ho |
NO.15(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第十五期) |
Translated by David Hull ,University of California, Santa Barbara |
小說 |
〈一桿「稱仔」〉 |
(The“Steelyard”) |
NO.15(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第十五期) |
Translated by Howard Goldblatt ,University of Notre Dame |
〈惹事〉 |
(Making Trouble) |
NO.15(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第十五期) |
Translated by John Balcom , Monterey Institute of International Studies |
〈不如意的過年〉 |
(A Dissatisfying New Year) |
NO.15(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第十五期) |
Translated by John Balcom , Monterey Institute of International Studies |
〈歸家〉 |
(The Homecoming) |
NO.15(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第十五期) |
Translated by Yingtsih Hwang Defense Language Institute, Monterey |
〈赴了春宴回來〉 |
(Returning from a Spring Banquet) |
NO.15(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第十五期) |
Translated by Yingtsih Hwang Defense Language |
〈鬥鬧熱〉 |
(Festival High Jinks) |
NO.19(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第十九期) |
Translated by Sylvia Li-chun Lin,University of Notre Dame |
散文 |
〈前進〉 |
(Progress) |
NO.15(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第十五期) |
Translated by Lloyd and Shu-ning Sciban, University of Calgary |
〈獄中日記〉 |
(A Diary in Jail) |
NO.15(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第十五期) |
Translated by Lloyd and Shu-ning Sciban, University of Calgary |
〈石在,火種是不會絕的—魯迅與賴和〉(作者:林瑞明) |
(Where There Is Rock, There Is the Seed of Fire:Lu Xun and Lai Ho) |
NO.15(臺灣文學英譯叢刊第十五期) |
Translated by K.C Tu and Robert Backus ,University of California, Santa Barbara |